Family Trees
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Family Trees

Each individual's family tree is displayed in a four generation "snapshot" with the person's children to the left, their parents and grandparents to the right. Siblings are listed underneath in the order that they were born from oldest to youngest. Underneath the table is pertinent information such as birthdate, birthplace, weddings, divorces, etc.

My goal in this particular endeavor is to simply create connections to the Courtright ancestry throughout the generations even if you're not actually related. As such, you'll find people here who have no personal connection to the name but their progeny does.

To navigate through the tree, click on parents' or grandparents' names to move back in time and click on children's names to move forward in time.

Please don't take offense if any data is wrong. Just and I'll be happy to make the necessary corrections.

Last modified on 17 April 2021 18:48